O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now (mingling)
O Lord, Thou art the Spirit now
Who in our spirit lives;
One spirit have the two become,
Which oneness to us gives.
Thy Spirit with our spirit, Lord,
The witness ever bears
That we the Father’s children are
And of God’s glory heirs.
’Tis in our spirit Thee we touch
Thy riches to enjoy,
And as the Spirit Thou dost give
Thyself without alloy.
’Tis in our spirit we may walk
And follow Thee alway,
While, as the Spirit, Thou dost lead
And light impart each day.
In spirit, by Thy Spirit, Lord,
We live and worship Thee;
Thou, in our spirit, thru Thine own
Strengtheneth constantly.
In spirit, with Thy Spirit, Lord,
We offer prayer to Thee,
While, as the Spirit, Thou in us
Groanest unutterably.
We to our spirit would return
And there would contact Thine;
’Tis in the spirit we may share
Our heritage divine.
What oneness, O my Lord, is this—
Two spirits intertwine!
Thy Spirit in our spirit lives,
And ours abides in Thine!
Glorious, mighty Name of Jesus
Glorious, mighty Name of Jesus,
Into Thy dear Name I flee;
“Set aloft,” I praise and worship,
For Thy Name is victory!
Blessed Jesus! Mighty Savior!
In Thy Name is all I need;
Just to breathe the Name of Jesus,
Is to drink of Life indeed.
Glorious, mighty Name of Jesus,
Heav’n and earth its pow’r proclaim;
But forgiven sinners only,
Know the balm of Jesus’ Name.
Jesus! Jesus! Name most precious,
Balm in pain or mighty sword;
In Thy Name, we live and conquer,
Blessed, glorious, coming Lord.
Glorieuze, machtige Naam van Jezus
Glorieuze, machtige Naam van Jezus,
In Uw dierbare Naam vlucht ik;
‘Ga omhoog,’ prijs en aanbid ik,
Want Uw Naam is overwinning!
Gezegende Jezus! Machtige Verlosser!
In Uw Naam is alles wat ik nodig heb;
Gewoon om de Naam van Jezus uit te ademen,
Is inderdaad van het leven drinken.
Glorieuze, machtige Naam van Jezus,
Hemel en aarde verkondigen zijn macht;
Maar alleen vergeven zondaars,
Ken de balsem van Jezus’ Naam.
Jezus! Jezus! Noem de meest waardevolle,
Balsem bij pijn of machtig zwaard;
In Uw Naam leven en overwinnen wij,
Gezegende, glorieuze, komende Heer.
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