Uit Ef.5:1-2
Leef goed Je bent Gods kinderen
en hij houdt van jullie.
Volg daarom zijn goede voorbeeld
en leeft met elkaar in (Zijn) liefde.
Zo is Christus ook
hij houdt van ons
en wilde ons dit duidelijk maken
door symbolisch te gaan sterven in de dood
om ons te wijzen op de Werkelijke Liefde
die Hij altijd in de Heilige Geest zal blijven.
Uit Ef.5:6-14
Leef in het licht.
Slechte en ongelovige mensen
zullen hun lot ontvangen.
Laat je dus liever niet door hen in de war
Ze spreken niet de waarheid.
Doe niet met hen mee.
Vroeger hoorden veel mensen bij het donker,
maar nu zijn veel mensen tot het licht gaan behoren.
Wees als kinderen van het licht.
Want alleen in dat licht kunnen
goedheid eerlijkheid en trouw groeien.
Probeer dus steeds
te bedenken wat God van je vraagt.
Of probeer te ontdekken wat de werkelijke liefde van je vraagt.
Het gedrag van slechte mensen leidt ze tot niets.
Wat zij in het geheim allemaal doen
is te erg voor woorden.
Doe er dus liever niet aan mee.
Het licht van Christus maakt zichtbaar
wat goed is en wat slecht is.
Alleen als dat licht in je schijnt
kun je goed leven.
Uit Efeziërs 5:15-20
Zing voor de Heer
Zorg ervoor dat je goed leeft.
Leef we niet zoals dwaze mensen doen,
maar gedraag je verstandig.
Gebruik de dagen die God je nog geeft goed.
Want we leven in een slechte tijd.
Probeer te begrijpen wat de Heer wil,
denk goed na.
En drink niet te veel wijn,
want dan ga je zeker domme dingen doen.
Laat in plaats daarvan de Heilige Geest
je van binnen vullen.
Zing liederen voor elkaar,
liederen om God of de Werkelijke Liefde te eren.
Ja zing alle liederen die je de Heilige Geest je laat zingen.
Zing en juich voor de Heer met heel je hart!
Jullie horen bij de Heer Jezus Christus
die de Werkelijke Liefde voor staat.
Uit Ef.5:21-33
Regels voor het huwelijk
Wees gehoorzaam aan elkaar uit eerbied voor Christus die de Werkelijke Liefde voorstaat.
Vrouwen jullie zijn gehoorzaam aan Christus.
Wees daarom ook gehoorzaam aan je man.
Want een man geeft leiding aan zijn vrouw,
zoals Christus onze redder,
leiding geeft aan de kerk.
Net zoals de kerk gehoorzaam is aan Christus, moet een vrouw
in alles gehoorzaam zijn aan haar man.
Mannen jullie moeten van je vrouw houden.
Net zoveel als Christus van de kerk houdt.
Hij heeft zelfs zijn leven gegeven voor de
Door zijn liefde horen de gelovigen nu bij God.
Want ze zijn gedoopt
en ze geloven het goede nieuws.
Door de liefde van Christus straat de kerk nu als een bruid zonder fouten of gebreken.
Door de liefde van Christus
is de kerk heilig en rijn.
Een man moet van zijn vrouw houden
zoals hij van zijn eigen lichaam houdt.
Als je van je vrouw houdt,dan houdt je van jezelf.
Want niemand haat zijn eigen lichaam.
Nee je voedt en verzorgd je lichaam juist.
En Christus doet hetzelfde met ons,
de gelovigen in de kerk.
Want de kerk is het lichaam van Christus.
In de heilige boeken staat: "Zo komt het dat een man niet bij zijn vrouw vader en moeder blijft. Hij gaat met zijn vrouw leven en ze worden samen helemaal één." Het geheim van die woorden is groot. Want volgens mij gaan ze over Christus in de kerk. In ieder geval moeten mannen dus net zoveel van een vrouw houden als van zichzelf. En vrouwen moeten respect hebben voor hun man.
Uit Kol.1:1-2
De brief aan de Christenen in kolosse.
Dit is een brief van Paulus aan de Christenen in de stad Kolosse. Hij schrijft:" Ik ben een apostel van Jesus Christus. Dat is God's wil. Ik schrijf deze brief samen met mijn vriend Timoteüs. Jullie horen bij God en je geloven in Jezus Christus en ik wens jullie toe dat God onze Vader goed voor jullie is en jullie vrede geeft.
Uit Kol.1:3-7
Ik dank God de vader van onze Heer Jezus Christus voor jullie allemaal. Dat doe ik elke keer als ik bid.
Want ik heb gehoord dat jullie in Jezus Christus geloven, en veel houden van alle andere christenen. Daar zullen jullie voor beloond worden in de hemel. Jullie weten dat dat waar is. Want jullie hebben dat al gehoord toen het goede nieuws aan jullie verteld werd. Overal in de wereld geloven steeds meer mensen in het goede nieuws. En daardoor gaat gaan steeds meer mensen leven zoals God het wil. Jullie doen dat ook, vanaf de dag dat jullie gehoord hebben hoe goed God is. Jullie begrijpen nu wat Gods goedheid werkelijk voor jullie betekent. Epavras heeft jullie daarover verteld. Hij is mijn goede vriend en helper en een trouwe dienaar van Christus.
Uit Kol.1:8-12
Paulus bidt voor de kerk van Kolosse. Epafras heeft mij verteld dat jullie dankzij die Heilige Geest veel van elkaar houden. Sinds ik dat gehoord heb bid ik elke dag voor jullie. Ik vraag aan God of hij jullie via de Heilige Geest ook wijsheid en inzicht wil geven. Want alleen op die manier kunnen jullie goed begrijpen wat God wil. Als jullie weten wat God wil dan kunnen jullie altijd
doen wat hij verlangt. En dan kunnen jullie leven op een
manier die bij christenen past. Dat betekent dat jullie veel goede dingen zullen doen, en God steeds beter zullen leren kennen. God zal jullie dan steunen met zijn grote Hemelse macht. Hij zal jullie kracht geven om geduldig vol te houden in alle moeilijkheden.
Uit Hnd.26:12-14
Paulus hoorde de stem van Jezus.
Zo reisde ik een keer naar de stad Damascus. De hogepriesters hadden me toestemming gegeven om ook daar christenen te gaan vervolgen.
Onderweg, midden op de dag, kwam er opeens een licht uit de hemel. Het was feller dan het licht van de zon. Ik stond midden in dat licht, samen met de mensen die met me meereisden.
We vielen allemaal op de grond. Toen hoorde ik een stem in het Hebreeuws tegen me zeggen:" Saulus, Saurus waarom vervolg je mij? Het is zinloos om je tegen mij te verzetten!
Uit Hnd. 26:15-23
Paulus vertelt wat Jezus zei
Ik vroeg: Wie bent u, Heer; De Heer zei: Ik ben Jezus. Ik ben degene die jij vervolgt. Maar kom nu overeind, sta op, want ik ben hier om je iets te zeggen. Ik heb jou uitgekozen als mijn dienaar. Je moet de mensen gaan vertellen wat je vandaag gezien hebt. In de toekomst zal ik je nog meer laten zien, en ook daarover moet je vertellen. Ik zal je steeds beschermen tegen je eigen volk en tegen andere volken. Ik stuur je naar die andere volken toe. Jij moet ervoor zorgen dat ze anders gaan leven, en dat ze kiezen voor God en niet meer voor Satan. Dan leven ze niet langer in het donker, maar in het licht.Want als ze in mij gaan geloven, worden hunz onden vergeven.Dan horen ook zij bij de mensen die gered zullen worden.
From Eph.5:1-2
Live well You are Gods children
and he loves you.
Therefore, add his good example
and live together in (His) love.
This is how Christ is,
he also loves us
and wanted to make this clear to us
by symbolically going and dying in death
to point us to the Real Love
that He will always remain in the Holy Spirit.
From Eph.5:6-14
Live in the light.
Wicked and unbelieving people
will receive their fate.
So don't let them confuse you.
They don't tell the truth.
Don't join him.
In history many people
used to belong to the dark,
but now many people have come
to belong to the light.
Be as children of light.
Because only in that light
can goodness, honesty and faithfulness grow.
So always try
to think about what God asks of you.
Or try to discover what real love requires
of you.
The behavior of bad people leads them nowhere. What they do in secret
is too terrible for words.
So please don't participate.
The light of Christ makes visible
what is good and what is bad.
Only when that light shines in you
can you live well.
From Ephesians 5:15-20
Sing to the Lord
Make sure you live well.
Do not live as foolish people do,
but behave wisely.
Use the days that
God still gives you well.
Because we live in a bad time.
Try to understand what the Lord wants,
think carefully.
And don't drink too much wine,
because then you will definitely do stupid things. Instead, let the Holy Spirit fill
you inside.
Sing songs to each other,
songs to honor God or Real Love.
Yes, sing all the songs the Holy Spirit lets you
Sing and shout unto the lord with all your heart! You belong to the Lord Jesus Christ
who stands for Real Love.
From Eph.5:21-33
Rules for marriage
Be obedient to each other out of respect for Christ who represents Real Love.
Women you are obedient to Christ.
Therefore, also be obedient to your husband.
For a husband leads his wife,
as Christ our Savior
leads the church.
Just as the church is obedient to Christ,
a wife is to be obedient
to her husband in everything.
Men you must
love your wife. Just as much as Christ loves the church.
He even gave his life for the church.
Because of his love, believers now belong to God. Because they have been
baptized and they believe the good news. Through the
love of Christ, the church now shines as a bride without
fault or defect.
Through the love of Christ the church is holy and pure.
A man should love his wife as he loves his own body. If you
love your wife, you love yourself. Because no one hates his
own body. No, you feed and care for your body. And Christ
does the same with us, the believers in the church.
For the church is the body of Christ.
The holy books say: "This is why a man does not remain
with his wife, father and mother. He lives with his wife, and they become one." The secret of those words is great. Because I think they are about Christ in the church.
In any case, men should love a woman as much as they love themselves. And women should respect their husbands.
From Col.1:1-2 The letter to the Christians in Colossae.
This is a letter from Paul to the Christians in the city of Colossae. He writes: "I am an apostle of Jesus Christ. That
is God's will. I am writing this letter together with my
friend Timothy. You belong to God and you believe in
Jesus Christ and I wish you that God our Father is good to
you and give you peace. From
Col. 1:3-7 I thank God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ
for you all. This is what I do every time I pray. For I have
heard that you believe in Jesus Christ and love him dearly
from all other Christians. You will be rewarded for that in
heaven. You know that is true. Because you already heard
it when the good news was told to you. More and more
people around the world are believing in the good news.
And because of this, more and more people are living the
way God wants. You have been doing the same, ever since
you heard how good God is. You now understand what
God's goodness really means to you. Epavras has told you
about it. He is my good friend and helper and a faithful
servant of Christ.
From Col. 1:8-12 Paul prays for the church of Colossae.
Epaphras has told me that you love each other very much
because of that Holy Spirit. Since I heard that, I have been
praying for you every day. I ask God to also give you
wisdom and insight through the Holy Spirit. Because only
in this way can you properly understand what God wants.
If you know what God wants then you can always do what
he desires. And then you can live in a way that suits
Christians. This means that you will do many good things
and get to know God better and better. God will then
support you with His great Heavenly power. He will give
you strength to persevere patiently in all difficulties.
From Acts 26:12-14 Paul heard the voice of Jesus. For example,
I once traveled to the city of Damascus.
The high priests had given me permission to persecute Christians there too.
On the way, in the middle of the day, suddenly a light came from heaven. It was brighter than the light of the sun. I stood in the middle of that light, together with the people who traveled with me.
We all fell to the ground. Then I heard a voice say to me in Hebrew, "Saul, Saurus, why are you persecuting me? It is useless to resist me!
From Acts 26:15-23 Paul tells what Jesus said
I asked, "Who are you, Lord?"
The Lord said, "I am Jesus. I am the one you are persecuting.
But now stand up, stand up, because I am here to tell you something. I have chosen you to be my servant.
You must go and tell the people what you you saw today.
I will show you more in the future, and you should tell me about that too.
I will always protect you from your own people and from other peoples.
I am sending you to those other nations.
You must ensure that they live differently,
and that they choose God and no longer Satan.
Then they no longer live in the dark, but in the light.
For if they believe in me,
their sins will be forgiven.
Then they too will be among the people who will be saved.”
Zoek ik naar de betekenis dan vind ik:
zorgen dat iemand een andere godsdienst of mening gaat aanhangen
En ook vind ik:
1) Cupmatchen spelen
2) Cupvoetbal spelen
3) Dopen
4) Iemand sterk aantrekke den
5) Kerstenen
6) Ompraten
7) Omturnen
8) Overhalen
9) Overtuigen
10) Tot ander inzicht brengen
11) Tot andere inzichten brengen
12) Tot inkeer brengen
13) Van godsdienst laten veranderen
14) Van mening doen veranderen
15) Verzoeken
Of weer op een andere plaats eenduidend:
"tot inkeer brengen"
• [klem] •"iemand ~": iemand tot een bepaald geloof overhalen
• [klem] •"iemand ~": iemand tot een bepaald geloof overhalen
De betekenis is: tot inkeer brengen; iemand bewegen tot een (andere) godsdienst over te gaan
Ik begin je dan te zeggen:
en ik verwonderde me vooral om de vaak zeer agressieve handelswijzen waarop veel mensen toe over kunnen gaan.
Ik leerde zelfs het onderstaande liedje van Robert Long
"JEZUS REDT" uit mijn hoofd
en had een zeer grote waardering voor de schrijfster Anie MG Schmidt die een hele echte domineesdochter was
en tot slot dacht ik zelfs aan de aantrekkelijke domineesdochter die afkomstig was uit Friese plaatsje Stiens.
Het Friese dorpje waar ik dus niet alleen
"DE KORTE REGIE OPLEIDING" had willen volgen van iemand die toen net was afgestudeerd van mijn zeer geliefde "academie voor woord en gebaar" te Utrecht.
Ja en dan te bedenken dus dat die domineesdochter zelfs nog naar diezelfde academie in Utrecht was gegaan.
Er waren maar 2 steden in Nederland waar die geliefde academie van mij bestond en dat was in KAMPEN en in UTRECHT.
Ja ook in de zeer gereformeerde stad was zo'n academie gekomen netzo als een Kunstacademie die daarin Kampen was gekomen.
Ik heb zelfs nog eens overwogen naar welke dagschool van de kunstacademie ik wilde gaan, Kampen of Enschede.
Uiteindelijk stond Enschede het dichtste bij mijn leven.
Een academie die bekend stond als de meest vrije tegenover de enige kunstacademie in Nederland die zichzelf een echte Christelijke Academie had willen noemen.
Kampen is dus wel een hele mooie Nederlandse stad.
Ik weet nog goed dat we tijdens mijn fotografie cursus van
"OP DE KORREL" van fotograaf Ben Dalsheim, nog een keertje met de fotoclub uit Leeuwarden, de stad KAMPEN wilden gaan fotograferen.
When I look for the meaning I find:
causing someone to adhere to a different religion or opinion
And I also think:
1) Playing cup matches
2) Play cup football
3) Baptisms
4) To strongly attract someone
5) Christianization
6) Talking down
7) Turn around
8) Persuasion
9) Persuasion
10) Bringing to a different insight
11) Gain different insights
12) To repent
13) Changing religion
14) Change your mind
15) Requests
Or again in another place clearly:
"to bring to repentance"
• [clam] •"someone ~": to persuade someone to a certain belief
• [clam] •"someone ~": to persuade someone to a certain belief
The meaning is: to repent; to persuade someone to convert to a (different) religion.
I then begin to tell you:
and I was particularly surprised by the often very aggressive behavior that many people can adopt.
I even memorized the Robert Long song below
and had a very great appreciation for the writer Anie MG Schmidt, who was a very real pastor's daughter
and finally I even thought about the attractive pastor's daughter who came from the Frisian town of Stiens.
The Frisian village where I am not alone
I would have liked to follow "THE SHORT DIRECTING TRAINING" from someone who had just graduated from my much-loved "academy for word and gesture" in Utrecht.
Yes, and to think that that pastor's daughter had even gone to the same academy in Utrecht.
There were only 2 cities in the Netherlands where my beloved academy existed and those were in KAMPEN and UTRECHT.
Yes, such an academy had also been established in the very reformed city, just like an Art Academy that had opened in Kampen.
I even reconsidered which day school of the art academy I wanted to go to, Kampen or Enschede.
Ultimately, Enschede was closest to my life.
An academy that was known as the freest compared to the only art academy in the Netherlands that wanted to call itself a real Christian Academy.
Kampen is a very beautiful Dutch city.
I remember well that during my photography course
"OP DE KORREL" by photographer Ben Dalsheim, wanted to photograph the city of KAMPEN again with the photo club from Leeuwarden.
Maar over BEKERIING kan ik kort zijn:
But I can be brief about REPENTANCE:

Hier rechts onder zie je Marijke op de voorgrond van onze schoolband "LOS BALLOS" (ongeveer in de leeftijd van 15 jaar.) Hier beneden de photodrawing van Marijke die ik maakte vanuit Facebook in 2023 (50 jaar later)
Below right you see Marijke in the foreground of our school band "LOS BALLOS" (approximately aged 15). Below is the photo drawing of Marijke that I made from Facebook in 2023 (50 years later)

On April 19, 2014 I presented the video of: The first 2 keys to the mystery of human life
My mother-in-law was being cared by us during this time. It was in the last months of her life and she had to be cared by her children. So not here in a "hospital", a "special care home" or "retirement home" as we are often used to in the Netherlands. She was mainly cared by my wife in a homely environment. There were always many dogs in our house. My new family introduced me to life in the Lord. With each other, for each other and through each other. After my first arrival in the Philippines in 2006, I got to know the pure sounds and beautiful melodies of the so-called hymnals. So no church organs or large high buildings with their tall (human-built) church towers and many fancy dress parties. In “church life” as referred to in the Bible, it often does not involve gigantic gatherings. And also not listening to so-called pastors or preachers who supposedly know it all so well. It is precisely about your loved ones who will speak it from a humble and direct grace. Didn't Jesus show us in almost all his words that he actually spoke everything from humility? No, he almost never spoke to his people in a commanding tone. And furthermore, He certainly did not create His creatures (which we will all be) just like that. And certainly equipped with free will. Only when He will speak to you as your own savior, He will become active in you.
It's about art! I am about to surrender my gifts and arts. To surrender to something of value.
Then what is surrendering?
Surrendering is using the different forms of art in one direction.
It's really all about our ability to express ourselves. Are we expressive? Can we express ourselves?
If we can express ourselves, we can also convey it to someone else. It's a gift to be able to do this.
How often do we experience that we have learned a way to get something through to sell something, while we actually can't believe in it.
To be very simple: We can print the image of a very beautiful woman in our heads. Or we can think of a super love and then say: “Yes, that is really what everything is about!” We must have that super love! But it is an image. It is the image we must believe in. An image that we believe in becomes an image that can become a very strong image. The image that we create ourselves, is an image that is not the same for everyone. Everyone has their own unique image. Everyone also has their own goal.
There are actually 4 keys to awareness. The first key to awareness is actually realizing that you are actually a kind of a vessel. Yes a kind of a vassel where anything and everything goes inside. And that vessel is almost completely full. It is almost full of all kinds of information, because you hear about this one, you hear about that one and you hear about again another one, all information. Some things you like. Other things you don't like. Yes, and even some things you don't like at all. And all that things ends up in that vessel. And if you have all that information in that one container, then, you just have to do something with it. You actually need to have a goal into your mind. Because without that purpose, your life is kind of meaningless.
So having a goal is very important matter. We are a vessel. And that vessel has a purpose. A purpose to be able to grasp something. So a goal to understand something about why we actually live. If we just consider that the purpose of real life is actually nothing more or less than "REAL LOVE". Yes, then we discover that it is actually best to surrender to that. It's best to start believing in something that can represent "REAL LOVE!" But what is that again? - REAL LOVE? What do you experience when you experience REAL LOVE and how can you really get to know that REAL LOVE? How do you know if you have REAL LOVE? So I will explain: REAL LOVE is actually a fairly proven method that has actually been around for a very long time. It's been around for a long time. It's already completely written out. And so these are all life lessons that you could follow. Life lessons that did not just arise or that were not just written by people who thought: “Come on, let me write a nice lesson,” No, so a lot has already been written out. No, lessons that have survived for centuries and centuries and in which people can still come to believe. Just because it's right! Yes, because it's absolutely right. Well that is the first key and that is that you have to believe in real love. And that REAL LOVE is simply noted down somewhere.
The second key you need to use is to realize that you actually have a fighting nature within you. One always wants this and the other always wants that! You always have to choose! Some people have grown tired of choosing and no longer want to choose at all. But still they have to choose. Even the choice to stand up is a choice! The choice to eat and eat a lot is also a choice. Life actually consists of an incredible number of choices that you make over and over again. You have to choose! And if you don't choose, then yes, life will choose for you! Because then something will happen to your body. If you don't move you get stiff and if you move too much you get tired. And so you go on. So you can do all kinds of things and exaggerate and pretend. But it is actually very difficult to make the right choices.
And actually when you realize that people are actually not capable of making good choices themselves. Yes, of course some people do it naturally that they make good choices! Or some people think they are making a good choice, but they then very quickly cross lines that they should not have crossed at all. Yes, we are actually talking about the sometimes perfect person who does everything perfectly, but I don't believe in that at all. I don't believe in perfect people. Well, perfect people…. Of course we are unique, but it is better not to assume that you will be perfect being so eager to be perfect is almost a bit of a neurotic trait. People who try to be perfect are often very dogmatic and fearful. Because they often want to exclude a lot of what they cannot use and are afraid of a lot of things. In fact, they are often full of judgments and prejudices and they often don't realize this at all. Simply because they think that they themselves are often so very perfect. But the second key is the realization that you can't actually make that choice properly at all. You can make a choice, but you can never rely on it. When you choose one, you often end up choosing the other. And when you do the other, you may very well be doing one right without even realizing it. If people can realize this that they are actually not as perfect as they would like to be and are actually not capable of anything. Yes, then they have the second key. Then they can use the second key to open with their own hearts.
Because then it simply turns out that they have a shortcoming. That they cannot contain everything. That they can't know everything. And if you can't know everything, you have to do something oven. And what should you believe? Yes, you have to believe in real love! I told you that first. But the realization that that fighting nature is within you. And is actually constantly arguing in your body. For example: What would I do with sex? Would I give in to having sex with him or her? Or would I admit that I am going to trust or not trust that man or not trust him? Or am I going to decide if he's a really big asshole or if she's a really big bitch? What am I going to do? How do I deal with that? How do I actually deal with all the people around me? Am I going to accept them because they are also human beings who deserve to be lived? Or am I going to judge them? Am I going to sentence them to life in prison and always say that they are bad! That's the choice we have. But that choice must be based on something that is reliable. Unfortunately for humans. Humans can never find that reliability on their own. People express themselves and often do what suits them best at the moment. And he doesn't realize for a moment that he could go completely wrong with it so we actually make big mistakes every day, without even realizing it. And if we do realize it, we have to take it into account that we do that! And then we must realize that we make mistakes over and over again, every time.
And that is the realization of the second key!
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