Hieronder de letterlijk overgeschreven tekst van de Bijbel
In Genesis 4:15 lezen we: Maar de Heer zei tegen Kain: "Als iemand jou doodt, zal ik hem zeven keer straffen,"En hij maakte een teken op het lichaam van Kain om hem te beschermen. Dan zou niemand hem doden.
en later in de Bijbel lezen we:
Below is the literally transcribed text of the Bible
In Genesis 4:15 we read: But the Lord said to Cain, “If anyone kills you, I will punish him seven times,”And he made a mark on Cain's body to protect him. Then no one would kill him.
and later in the Bible we read:
Leviticus 19:27-28
When you mourn a dead person, you must not cut the hair on the side of your head.
You are also not allowed to shave your beard.
And you are not allowed to cut your skin or have tattoos made.
I am the Lord.
Leviticus 19:29
Don't make a whore out of your daughter.
That's a shame for her.
And if there are harlots in a country, the whole nation becomes wicked
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